Healing Tele-Resource Center
ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CONSULTING AND RESEARCH ... specializing in resistant, unresponsive and 'difficult' conditions of all types: behavioral, educational, emotional, environmental, mental and/ or physical.

Do you have a health or performance concern that you need a solution to -- a NATURAL solution? A vast, expanding universe of holistic research has emerged in recent years, but few consumers or providers have the time, patience and sufficient knowledge of the field to locate and apply the information required to resolve their situation. The Tele-Resource Center provides information and services over the phone to health care and performance professionals, practitioners and consumers seeking to integrate holistic principles into their practices.

To arrange a telephone appointment, contact Charles Brose at: 303-572-4195

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  • Applied Holistic Research and Program Development
  • Wellness Education and Coaching
  • Typological Assessments
  • Healthy Environments Programs
  • Emotional / Crisis Support and Healing.


Description of Services:

APPLIED RESEARCH AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT. The Tele-Resource Center excels in locating cutting-edge information and applying it toward developing practical, natural solutions to a broad range of health and performance concerns. We conduct an exhaustive search for alternative interpretations and approaches to your concerns, and provide extensive consulting services and comprehensive written reports on our findings. We also assist clients, staff and providers in understanding holistic concepts and applying them to the design and implementation of educational, organizational or treatment plans.

WELLNESS EDUCATION AND COACHING. The TRC provides in-depth, personalized recommendations and coaching to aid you or your clients in integrating lifestyle or environmental changes aimed at enhancing overall well-being. We can identify personal susceptibilities or weaknesses and create either a program or a report addressing the your individual needs. Useful information will be provided on avoiding chemicals and medications, alleviating stress and turmoil, preventing disease, activating natural healing resources and other issues. Coaching provides direction, guidance, reinforcement and support and is personally tailored to your situation.

HEALTHY ENVIRONMENTS. Man-made chemicals have been found to underlie a wide variety of human concerns, including Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, criminal behavior, mental and emotional disorders and a great many physical diseases. TRC has seen that individuals who fail to respond to, or resist, conventional medical, educational, psychological or spiritual interventions often respond to simple, natural biochemical, environmental or physiological methodologies. For example, students who have difficulty with conventional auditory-visual classroom instruction often learn readily when lessons include activity, movement or touch. TRC performs a sophisticated typing analysis to determine predisposing susceptibilities and the most appropriate remedies for your typology.

EMOTIONAL / CRISIS SUPPORT AND HEALING. TRC provides a compassionate, non-judgmental and empathetic sounding board, serving as a calming influence during periods of crisis or duress.


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Email: Charles@gatewayhealing.com